The Cricket Show's Episode of Cricket Talk-Leon Francis Host


The Cricket Show

West Indies Men in Sri Lanka – First Test match, Total embarrassment in defeat. How many performances like this one must we endure? Racism in English County Cricket - resignations, Firings and apologies continue to grow. How deep does it go? “Ashamed” – Yorkshire racism whistleblower, Azeem Rafiq, apologizes after his anti-Semitic messages are revealed! Young West Indian cricketer suffers concussion after blow to his head he was Carried off the field on a stretcher. Is it time to outlaw the dangerous fielding positions in cricket? Hear these topics and more with Coach Jatin Patel insights into the players, games, and statistics. Audley Watson has the inside Edge, birthday, and anniversary messages. Join us, call 1 (515) 605 9850.
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