The Cricket Show-CHRISTMAS DAY entertainment episode, Ivor Henry & Leon Francis


The Cricket Show

CHRISTMAS DAY! Sat December 25, 2021. Honored Guests, Sister Barbara and Sister Kathleen will start our day with prayers! Wakeup Cricket Show Fans! It is Christmas Day 2021. We wish our panelists, fans, and listeners wherever you are, a very Merry Christmas, a happy and healthy new year. To celebrate this day, we have an extended 6 hours of music, greetings, fun and laughter. Join us for Part 1, 9 am to 12 noon, and part 2 from 12 noon to 3 pm. Call in with your favorite and special Christmas songs. Toast the day with your very special beverage, greet your friends near and far and sing along with us. We will have chatter, some serious and some not so serious. Whatever your mood, we want to hear from you. Remember this is Christmas! But, don’t forget your vaccine, your booster, and your mask. Be safe and protect yourself from the covid virus.
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